Sunday, June 12, 2011

(Bitter) Sweet Summertime.

I feel like I start each post with an apology/ excuse for why I haven't posted in ages. But then I remember that I have like -5 readers and I feel a little less guilty. (Ok a lot less guilty)

As for the title of this post I do have an explanation....I can sum it up in two words. Summer School. 
These are words that should never EVER be paired together. And now begins my rant...

Studying in the summer should be illegal. Not only am I burnt out from the previous two semesters, I am learning what I would normally learn in 4+ months in 1. and of the two classes I'm taking is one of the hardest classes offered in my major-- Human Communication. Though interesting, this class has about a 40% failure rate and getting a C is considered a "great" grade. Music to my GPA's ears. ((not at all)) 

Anyhow, the first week or so I was not a happy camper. My summers are usually spent sleeping, shopping, and starbucks-ing-- Yes I'm a diva I'm fully aware. (see "Things I Enjoy" post for photographical evidence.)--not studying and rising with the sun for my 8 a.m class..

So how have I moved past my funk might you ask? Well...the majority of my dearest friends decided to spend their summer in Auburn as well, and we are all learning to make the best of it. It's hard to balance work and play but I have to remind myself that I'm 20 and it IS summertime...but I'm trying to make my time here a lot less bitter, with a lot more "sweet".
This was taken over  Memorial Day Weekend when we went to St. Augustine, FL.
Lovely place. Lovely ladies. It may be my favorite weekend of my summer in Auburn.  
Something that should have been mentioned a LONG time ago (and truthfully deserves its own post) is my sister's graduation from Texas A&M University. I am beyond proud of her. Not only for successfully graduating, but for doing it in 4 years. I now understand what a task this is and could not be more impressed with her grace throughout the years. The only thing I wish I could change is that I went to visit her more than just that summer. She has amazing friends and leads such a precious life. It's something I might always regret, but never-the-less, she survived. And I can only hope to do so with the same poise and excellence... 

Love you Sister :)   
I had to add this photo in here! I love this picture SO much.  The hand on the left is my Dad's. He graduated A&M in '79,
and the right is Katie's, class of 2011. I get jealous (and a little sad) because I know I'll never have one,
but I love that they will always have this to share. 
The summer isn't even over, but I know this will be my favorite weekend.
So much laughter and tears. And a lot of reminders of why I  can't wait to get back to Dallas and hang out with them! 
I'll do my best to keep you updated...but for now, that's the lo_down.


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