Saturday, February 23, 2013

Swiftly surprised.

It's Saturday afternoon and I finally made time to read my March Elle magazine that came to me in the mail weeks ago.

I must admit that I was a little disappointed when I saw Taylor Swift on the cover. It's no secret that I'm a fan, but I like to think of Elle as more high fashion rather than pop culture inspired and as of late I view Swift as growing less and less relevant so I was curious as to what they were going to talk to her about.

As I began my venture into the 510 page edition (quite the upgrade from last months 272 pages), ogling at Hermes, Versace and Givenchy's spring ads I quietly prepared myself for the eye rolling that was sure to come upon reading Swift's article. Visions of her many acceptance speeches danced round and round in my head ("Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I am so surprise!"...yeah, yeah, yeah).

Well it turns out that despite her relevancy to teens and 20-something-year-olds, I found myself just as enthralled with her as I was when I first listened to her Speak Now album.

You know when something is really trendy, like The Hunger Games and peplum tops, and you just really don't want to like them because EVERYONE likes them, but no matter how hard you fight, you just friggin love 'em? Yeah. That's how this article was for me. And just about every article/song/thing associated with Taylor Swift...

What can I say? The girl knows how to capture a moment. (And any girl who can write a song like Revenge and has the kahunas to write and release Dear John is someone I can hang with.) 

But in all seriousness, I often feel like certain celebrities are misunderstood because of how the media portrays things and I think Taylor Swift falls into this category a lot.

Yes her personality is a little off beat, yes I'm sure she is sickeningly positive sometimes and what is her deal with cats? But despite all of that, there is something very intriguing about her and I decided after this article that what intrigues me about her is her normalcy.

She's goofy and super awkward and sometimes obnoxious, but aren't we all?

The article says "Swift has benefited creatively from the tunnel vision that comes with being a teenager. Not even fame can save you from the trials of early adulthood: figuring out who you are, falling in love, going out in the world on your own, having your heart broken, inflicting heartbreak, forgetting who you are and having to discover it all over again. When you're really young, you are blessed and cursed with the certainty that nothing in the world is more important than your feelings. Swift writes songs from that place."

Despite her fame, private planes, world tours and celebrity boyfriends, she's living life as a typical 23-year-old girl and instead of writing in a diary, blog or eating a pint of ice cream (which hey, she might do that too) she writes a song about it. And more power to her. Many people pin her as being dramatic or just "too much" and yes...I can see that. But don't you dare try and tell me that you haven't listened to at least one of her songs and thought "damn...preach sister."

That's what I thought.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Kate Spade kind of week.

Good morning world. It's been a minute.

Per request of my loving friends who humor me by reading this thing I thought I'd oblige. (You're welcome Savannah.)

Recently I've been caught in the middle of having a LOT of fun, and having a LOT of stress brought upon me. It's no surprise, I've been known to express emotions in extremes a time or two but it's quite exhausting.

I've decided that if job searching was a scent it would be described as quite scary, with hints of anxiety and insecurity and an added touch of what seems to be excitement but is really just apprehension (or wine....).

It's a lot like dating, you know? You want everything to look perfect and for everyone to find you perfect...Is my hair/makeup cover letter too much? Does my outfit resume look ok? Should I scent it? I mean it worked for Elle Woods...right?!

Anyhow... aside from researching and applying for jobs I've been a busy bee.

I recently did a feature story for work on one of Auburn's football players. Nosa is a great guy who I've known since freshman year. He is always talking about how his life has been "so blessed," so this was a really fun assignment for me. I also was beside myself that my boss liked it so much she not only didn't change anything about it, but put it up on Auburn's website. You can check it out here!

Speaking of blessed, last week I was one spoiled little Kate Spade diva. My sister sent me an early Valentine's Day gift as did my grandparents! I couldn't love them any more than I do. (Both the people and the gifts.) 
If you ever order someone a gift from Kate Spade, which I highly recommend, go the extra mile ($6 or $7) and get it gift wrapped! Their packaging is absurdly cute.

It rained pretty much all last week, prompting me to order myself a pair of duck boots which prompted the rain to cease. Typical. I've never scoured my weather app praying for rain more than I have this past week. (I think it's going to rain tomorrow...I'll keep you posted ;)) I can't wait to break these bad boys in!

I hope the world is bringing you as much love, light and if nothing else delicious mimosa's as mine!


Sunday, February 3, 2013


Hey kiddies.

Whenever I say that I think of my grandfather. When he's not calling me Twinks he calls my sister and me "kiddies."

I hope February is treating everyone wonderfully already. Especially since it's only three days in...

February is such an odd time of the year. It's the transition month for Winter to Spring...the true tester of New Year's Resolutions...

I was recently talking with Erin and we both agree that this is such an odd time of our lives. Our mental anxiety level is at an all-time high and we are so caught in between wanting to be productive but having a severe case of "fear of missing out."And (un)fortunately for me right now, not missing a damn thing is trumping my productivity schedule.

I suppose it's because I know that I'm capable of getting everything done so I'm not too worried about that...but I am also well aware that I won't get these days and precious moments back.

You know how mommy-to-be's go through a nesting period before they bring a baby into the home? I feel like I'm doing something similar to that only sans pregnancy. I am attached to my friends as if college is ending tomorrow. (And by the way, simply typing that statement out brought tears to my eyes.)

So if you're feeling neglected dear readers, it's because I'm busy creating memories. I just need to get back on track with documenting them so that I have them in my head, heart and in writing forever.

I hope everyone is as busy loving life as I am. Life is so good to us, even when it doesn't seem to is. And right now Phillip Phillips is singin' the words of my soul...

Have a happy day everyone. And never forget how blessed you are.


"Hope is just a ray of what everyone should see...scared of what's behind you and scared of what's in front. Live with what you have now, and make the best of what's to come." -Phillip Phillips