Wednesday, October 31, 2012


"Trick or Treeeeaaattt"

Happy Halloween my little ghouls.

I have always been one who loves dressing up...but for some reason I'm really not a huge, huge fan of Halloween. Sometimes I don't think I'm creative enough for it, and then as I've gotten older the costume choices have just become so grotesque... I don't know.

Anyhow this year my friends and I are going old school with our costumes for our last Halloween together....

Ever seen the movie Dazed and Confused? We're going as the Senior girls who haze all of the freshman...and I am SO pumped!

Pictures surely to follow...

In case you haven't seen the movie... here's a little youtube clip for your enjoyment (we start around :51)

Have a Happy Halloween!


Monday, October 29, 2012


Today was a bit of a switch up from the normal Monday routine. This morning I went to Drake Middle School to listen in on a 6th grade bullying seminar for material for a feature writing paper. It's so interesting to see kids interact with each other at that age... it's also hard to picture myself as a 10/11 year old. 

Thank god by that stage in life I had acquired contacts and a hair straightener. (5th grade was a big year for me)

I couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like to go to a culturally and racially diverse school. 

The seminars took most of the morning and then I hopped on over to work for my Monday office hours where I battled with the copy machine for a solid 25. 

After work I popped over to Wrapsody (a store downtown) and browsed for the 3rd day in a row... and bought myself one of my faaaavorite candles: Volcano No. 6

Not only does it smell amazing but it reminds me of the fantastic Damian Rice song. 

Speaking of volcanoes, Hurricane Sandy is about to be in full force so stay safe America. 

I've been avoiding a few papers for a few days now... I can't seem to start them the way I want and my procrastination has led to the start of a new addiction that is Friday Night Lights. 

I'm only on episode 3, and I've cried in all of them... Connie Britton can do no wrong as I've mentioned before from her performance in Nashville. Her hair deserves its own Twitter account... don't put it past me to start one. 

I would also like to point out that it's officially hot chocolate and seat warmer weather. 

Happiness is...


"Volcanoes melt you down..." 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Home is wherever I'm with you.

"Alabama, Arkansas, I do love my ma and pa... home is wherever I'm with you."

This weekend my parents and sister came to visit me, marking the first time my whole family has been together in Auburn since driving through campus on our way home from a family vacation to Florida in like...2008.

I've looked forward to this weekend since before I left in August and it was nothing short of my expectations.

The weekend was full of tours, sight seeing, laughing and giving a full Auburn experience to my Texas Aggie family.

The more I wandered around campus with them, the more I fell in love with my school. The topography, landscape and architecture of the campus and city are truly magnificent, and it really made me proud. I only wish the game had turned out better-and a win would have been nice so they could have rolled Toomer's Corner!

It was honestly quite an overwhelming weekend for me emotionally. It was the first football game this season I've been able to sit in the stands instead of the press box. I love the traditions of Auburn football; the band, the eagle, the pre-game show... it's emotional. And experiencing that with my family was an overwhelming amount of emotions and I spent the better half of the evening fighting back tears.

I love that my family was able to experience a little piece of my life at college with me. They got to meet my friends and finally put faces with names, which I know always makes them happy.

It's always really hard to leave them, but luckily I only have 3 weeks until I go home for Thanksgiving. It's hard to want to be in two places at once... my time at Auburn is so limited but I do miss my family so much when I'm away...
I would like to point out that this was so typical that they would come the weekend after I made plans to move away to Nashville after college... oh how plans seem so strong one minute and not so much the next... I can't wait to see where my life goes these next few months/ this next year.

Oh to be 21 going on 22...


Thursday, October 25, 2012


Nashville, Tennessee is perfect. I honestly don't know any other way to describe it. This weekend marked my third or fourth trip to Music City and I could not have been more enthralled and in love.

The city itself is gorgeous- with the architecture and such, and the land is phenomenal. There are mountains and trees and green and all the leaves were changing.... it was perfect. it is perfect.

There is always something going on, with something fun to do and the people I've met from there are just such kind souls.

Whenever I'm there I get a real feeling of belonging...and that hasn't happened to me in a while. I will always love Dallas, it will always be my home...and Auburn has been an amazing experience... but something about Nashville just calls my name and I think I'm going to have to see what that is pretty soon.

Anyhow...needless to say my weekend was phenomenal. I was once again reminded how lucky I am to have such amazing, fun and uplifting friends. I honestly don't remember the last time I laughed that hard for such an extended amount of time. Everyone was all smiles and giggles all weekends (even the boys) ... and it was so nice to get away from school and work for a hot minute.

Friday night we were greeted by two loving parents who graciously opened their home for us to rest our (soon-to-be hungover heads) and fixed an amazing steak dinner for us. We traveled into the city that night to run around Broadway, which is where all of the "Honky Tonk" aka country bars are. A rumor was circulating that the cast of Nashville (my new TV obsession) was in the upstairs portion of one of the bars we were at!

Saturday we were lazy and watched football, cooked and napped the whole day. And then ventured to Midtown where the "Vanderbilt" bars are... I later found out that Taylor Swift's home is super close to that area!

It's a little bit scary... I left Texas to come to Auburn because 1. I had no clue where I wanted to go and 2. I knew if I didn't leave Texas during my college years, then I was never going to leave...and I just wasn't ok with that. The plan was always to go for school and then move back home, and now that plan isn't as set in stone as I once thought..which is really scary but I'm trying to focus on the excitement of it all too.

Speaking of exciting, my family is coming to town today!! I can't wait to be reunited with them.... it's been since August 1st!

Happy weekend,

Thursday, October 18, 2012


That's right people... tomorrow at 1 p.m. I'll be hittin the road to visit Music City.

For those of you who might be unaware, Nashville is one of my favorite cities in America. It's been the only city I've ventured to that truly rivals my love for Dallas and I can't WAIT to explore this weekend with my friends.

Have a happy weekend everyone,


Monday, October 15, 2012


Hair straight. Face washed. Teeth brushed. Eyelids Vaseline-ed. Glasses on... Bedtime ritual complete... 

Sometimes getting ready for bed can be quite an annoyance, but most of the time I really enjoy these moments to myself where I think of nothing other than me and my personal hygiene. 

And here I sit, in my bed; made of freshly cleaned sheets, wrapped in my leopard printed throw, listening to Taylor Swift-who is giving me an odd energy for midnight on a Sunday. 

It doesn't get much more girly than this I suppose. 

I finally had a weekend to myself since Auburn had a road game to Ole Miss. Which reminds me: Did you know that in the state of Mississippi, it's illegal to sell any alcohol on Sunday's? Therefore, the bars close at midnight on Saturday night (which is technically Sunday morning)... crazy right? 

Anyhow, I was finally able to get some face time with my roomies which is always such a treat. We stayed in on Friday and Saturday night and it was really just the best. We get so silly when we're together and I always learn something about them I didn't know before- which is crazy to think about because I feel like I know everything about them sometimes. 

Speaking of treats, Allie's sweet mom sent us a Halloween package! 
This "haunted house" was filled with some of the best chocolates I've eaten in a really long time. This is why the holidays are always so hard to stay on track with healthy living!! 

Other treats this weekend: 
Allie and I ventured to TJ Maxx in search of some deals and I came across these "Merci" cards 
I love stationary and am always in search of a good thank you card.
And who doesn't love the Eiffel Tower?
I also found this gem (as mentioned above):
I clearly love a good leopard print. 
My Sunday, though lazy, was productive. The job search is officially underway... let the writing and re-writing of cover letters begin. 

Bonne Nuit. 


Thursday, October 11, 2012


This morning when I turned on my computer and opened up my Internet to CNN's homepage, I saw a headline that read: International Day of the Girl.

I clicked on the article for a few reasons. 1. I had never heard of such a day 2. Oprah was one of the women in the picture (love her) 3. The article's title read "To my 15-year-old self: Things I wish I'd known"

The link leads you to pictures of various, well-known, inspirational women of all occupations; Melinda Gates, Maria Shriver, Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan etc. with a blurb of advice they would tell their 15-year-old self.

When I was 15 I suppose I was a freshman in high school. About to get braces and still settling into my friend group. I cringe at the awkwardness and unsightly wardrobe. Everything was so new-in both a scary and exciting way.

And now I'm 21...about to register for my last semester of college. It's crazy how much has changed and how fast time moves.

It got me thinking about what I would tell my 15-year-old self...

For starters: Everything is going to be OK. No really... it is.
-There are going to be some things that happen soon that will throw you for a loop... but you are stronger than you think and the support system you have is dynamite.
-Not every friendship you make is going to last. But that's ok...because only the good ones stick around anyway.
-And finally: You've got a lot of great things headed your way. So buckle down through the hard stuff and keep your chin up. Life is going to get so fun... you just wait and see.

One of these days I'll sit down and think "what would I tell my 21-year-old self if I could?"

I can't wait to see where life takes me these next few months/years. It's really overwhelming but then again, so was high school... And like I just told myself. Everything is going to be OK.

Here's to the past and the future,


Monday, October 8, 2012


Weellll it's Monday again.

Another week and weekend has blown right by me, but fortunately left cool weather in its departure.

This week is going to be a bit of a doozy. 2 midterms, 2 quizzes and a paper assignment...eek! But the cool weather really eases the pain.

It's also time for me to reintroduce myself to my workout regimen... *cringe* Not to make excuses, but it's really hard to try and fit everything into your day. Sometimes it doesn't all happen, and that's ok, I've learned to live with that...but my days of trying to make it all happen are far from over... hash tag lists on lists on lists.

My family is coming East at the end of this month to visit me for the Auburn/Texas A&M game and it is one of the only things keeping me in high spirits. In fact it's got me so excited that at work today (sorry boss) I made my sister's packing list and started planning a weekend itinerary...

Have a great, productive day!


Monday, October 1, 2012


October arrived today and I was so happy to see it. October is one of my favorite but busiest months of the year... one of those months you're always glad to see but never too sad to see go...

It kind of sounds like I'm talking about a friend or a long-distance relative... hmm..

Anyhow in honor of this joyous occasion I did a few fun fall things:

1. I wore riding boots to work. HOORAY!!
2. I ordered hot coffee and didn't sweat while drinking it
3. I went to target and got a "Pumpkin Nutmeg" scented candle that crackles when you light it!!

I've got some fun things in store for tomorrow as well!

Here's to you, October. May your business not make me miserable...
