Monday, December 31, 2012

So long.

Well it's the last day of 2012 and since Erin updated her blog, I thought I should update mine.

2012 was quite the ride. A lot of ups, a lot of downs and a lot of lessons learned. I got to do things in 2012 that I never thought I would do and I'm so thankful for those experiences and for the friendships that came along with it.

I would like to say I've grown a lot as a person, but with the closing of the year I've realized I still have a lot of work to do on myself. And what better time to realize that I need more time to soul search than right before my final semester of college? I can't think of a better one, really.

I'm not a huge fan of New Years Eve. Erin and I were talking about it this afternoon and we came to the conclusion it's because we both don't like change very much/at all and the holiday is so focused on the coming of change and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

But hopefully for me, and I hope the same for you, that 2013 is nothing to fear or be intimidated of. I hope it brings exciting adventures with little heartbreak, a few challenges and lots of laughter.

I know this year is going to be the closing of my collegiate chapter, an event I've been dreading since I first started, but hopefully an exciting beginning (a job!) will be awaiting this conclusion.

So peace out 2012. It's been a trip, that's for sure.

Cheers to new beginnings and looking forward to what's to come. 


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Almost 22.

Shalom kiddies!

Home is just so wonderful you know? You know where everything is- always. You know the backroads when you're in a hurry, you know the main roads when you need predictability and you know the way to your best friends house so well you could get there in your sleep. Thank God for 'em.

When I'm in Dallas I always love to wear outfits that I think are "a little much" for Auburn. It makes me realize just how versatile my style is. While out with Savannah, doing what we do best- putzing around town- I came across this awesome headscarf from Anthro:

Not only did I love this, but it was on sale!!...and if you have ever been shopping with me, you know I'm one of the best bargain shoppers out there. really put me in an indie/ hobo mood which worked out well because I've been looking for an excuse/ outfit to work my jean vest into... 

I felt very L.A and a little (ok a lot bit) like Khloe Kardashian... love it or leave it- whichever you prefer it was a fun, new look for me and I really enjoyed it! 

In other news: About a week or so ago, en lou of my birthday tomorrow, I decided whilst shopping on Gilt that I would buy myself a little birthday gift. I bought a journal and a pair of herringbone printed tights from the Kate Spade selection... I was just beside myself this afternoon when my journal arrived. I thought "oh how fun! A pre-birthday present!!" 

I came inside....opened my package- getting giddy about the potential thoughts and songs I could write in my new journal-I took out the packaging paper and was dumbfounded. Where is my journal? 

Oh wait.... wait there it is... hmm..

Low and behold I purchased a journal intended for elves... silly me. As my father put it, "They are looking for bright ideas, obviously not big ones." 

Despite my obvious disappointment, my family and I found it so hysterical that I'm going to keep it. I almost want to make it like a Flat Stanley character where it goes everywhere with me and I take pictures of it in random places... I kid you not, my dog's paws are larger than this notebook...  

If this is any indication as to what the next year of my life is going to be like...bring it on. I'm totally ready.

Oh how I can't wait to sing Taylor Swift's "22" over and over and over ad nauseam tomorrow. 


P.S: 21 went by so fast! 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Good morning, indeed.

Good morning world.

This morning I write to you from the comfort of my bed, wearing my pjs and cozy, pink robe -my Voluspa candle burning and flickering (almost) in tune with Celine as she sings her impossibly perfect rendition of "O Holy Night" to me as I wait for the latest Real Housewives of Beverly Hills episode to download...

I'm quite the vision.

I woke up with an abundance of joy. Perhaps it's the sight of my christmas lights strewn about my bulletin board...

But I'm just really ready to get things done today. I mean since I stayed up until 2 a.m. watching Lisa Marie Presley's Oprah interview from 2011 where she talked about her marriage to Michael Jackson for the last time, what more could there be for me to watch online?...

OH by the way ladies and gentlemen... I give you, the FIRST cup of coffee I have EVER made by myself. Coffee makers are QUITE the novelty I'll have you know ;) (my parent's aren't coffee drinkers so I never grew up with one in the house alright...lay off!)

Here's to a day that is hopefully productive considering I have 2 finals tomorrow...



Monday, December 3, 2012


Finals- a time in my life where I find it necessary to watch every Taylor Swift music video ever made, watch old One Tree Hill episodes on Netflix, catch up on Suri's Burn Book all while managing to eat
E V E R Y T H I N G in sight (like what? finals is SO not like Christmas where calories don't count)

I mean I AM studying for my Radio, TV and Film final so it's kind of fitting, right?...

On a positive- Starbucks has a Christmas Blonde blend this year!! If this was a thing in years prior please don't tell me...I would like to go on living thinking this is a 2012 addition. Regardless, I'm THRILLED because the lighter blend is my absolute favorite and who doesn't love a good Christmas blend?


Sunday, December 2, 2012


Hello world.

Thanks for your patience during my hiatus from this. I needed a little break from this, but in the midst of said break, I've had an awful lot of fun.

The month of November was really busy but really great. I went home for Thanksgiving week and it was the first time I'd been back to Dallas since the 1st of August. (That's a LONG time without my precious Beau).

While at home I got to spend much needed time with my family as well as Erin, Ashley, Savannah and Hayden. I could go on and on about how blessed I am, but I'll just leave it at that. I'm very blessed.

One of my favorite parts of the break was Thanksgiving morning- Savannah and I decided to run in the Turkey Trot this year! We've both been working on our fitness and overall health and I was really proud of us for waking up and running. I'm hoping it's a new tradition we've started together.

Over the break I got to spend a lot of time with my mom, too. She took me to this restaurant in Snider Plaza called East Hampton Sandwich Co.
 It's a little pricey but it's one of my new favorites. I loved the inside decor and the food was yuummmy. I recommend the grilled chicken sandwich, but I've heard their lobster rolls are to die for.

This week/weekend has been spent studying and having dinner with my girls :) It's amazing how I've lived and known them for so long, but I manage to find something so new about them every time we're together. It's really great.

Speaking of something new, I went on a blind date to a military ball on Friday. I never do anything like that...ever. but it was really fun! and thank God because that could have been potentially really bad haha!

Time to study. Good luck to all of you who have finals. Just remember it will be over soon...and one day we will want to give a whole lot to just be back in college.

All my love,
