Sunday, September 18, 2011

Redneck Ego.

There's something about dressing up in the exact opposite of what you've tried so hard to make your "style" be that is absolutely thrilling. Do you know what I mean? White people love dressing up like thugs, and Plano kids love dressing like "parkies"...heck, parkies love dressing up like parkies.

But my question for you is: does this mean this is what our true style is/should be? Or do we just love being what we're not?

This past Thursday my sorority had a date party themed Redneck Riviera. All the girls put on their cut-off jorts, cowboy boots and tacky t-shirts and picked up the boy of their fancy, dressed in similar attire (jorts included.)

Now, I don't know if this is my Texas roots coming out, or my desire to be Miranda Lambert or let's be honest a combination of the two, but I always have a BLAST when I dress like a redneck.

And it's not just me. EVERYONE goes all out for this theme. Now I'm not saying I'm going to go out and buy a bunch of jorts and Bud Light shirts with the sleeves ripped off, nor am I going to search for a tractor driving soul-mate...but it's just something to think about....

When we choose to dress up, is this who we would be if there were no rules?

 I think we're a little too "cutsey" to be convincing rednecks! 

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