Goodness gracious I have really neglected this blog. I believe my life-of-little-excitement is to blame but hey, who's pointing fingers.
A few things; some noteworthy some not
1. I am no longer a Lulu Lemon virgin; I finally forked over the purchase and am loving my "wunder from down under" leggings
2. I have acquired a true affinity for Desperate Housewives. I am now on season 6.
3. The reason I started watching Desperate Housewives is because I am running out of SVU episodes to watch on Netflix and I'm not ready to part with Benson and Stabler just yet.
4. My celebrity girl crush of the moment goes to Eva Longoria. I also can't decide if I think Teri Hatcher is pretty or not because there are moments she looks kin to the Grinch.
5. From recent experiences, if you don't have time to spend an entire day being hungover do NOT go to Mi Cocina and drink two margaritas with toritilla soup as your dinner. Also, do NOT go out afterward. The tortilla soup is absolutely not substantial enough to ensure that your next day won't be miserable.
6. My mom has started lingering around my room. This always means I'm about to leave for school again..
7. I ordered a new coffee table book that I've been wanting for YEARS.
8. My next decorating obsession is going to be Mercury Glass
9. Somehow I miss my Dallas friends even when we're all in the same place.
10. The Olympics are about to start. PRAISE. GOD.
That's really all I've got. My days are pretty boring since I've been working but I'm taking the majority of this week off so hopefully my final days at home will be somewhat exciting...
Sweet dreams,
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