Sunday, August 19, 2012

Most Of The Time.

Well August is here and almost over...time is already passing by so quickly! Make it stop! Please?

School is going to be overwhelming this semester with working and keeping up with friends/sorority things etc. but as my mom put it, I usually like to be busy. So we'll see how all of that goes... 

A lot of my friends have been having relationship struggles and troubles recently-something everyone can (unfortunately) relate to. But as I laid in bed and caught up with my friend Taylor, via facebook chat (the communication we have to resort to due to her residence in Greenwich, CT), she offered some wise words her mom gave her that I thought I would share with all of you. 

She was telling me about a relationship she had where she put up with too much of...well everything. And who hasn't been there, right? One of those where you look at yourself in the mirror and say "since when do I put up with s**t like this?" 

This guy was nice about 85-90% of the time but the other 10% he was just mean and seemingly looking for arguments for the sake of arguing. 

Taylor said she was talking to her mom about it one day and she looked at her and said, "Taylor, yeah he's nice most of the time, but you deserve more than 'most of the time'." 

A quote from a book I read in high school says it all: "we accept the love we think we deserve." 

Sometimes I think we lose sight of what we actually deserve, which is sad because all the people I know deserve a whole heck of a lot...

So that's that. 


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