Wednesday, April 25, 2012

More Like The Unlucky One...

Well ladies and... gentlemen? I just returned home from seeing The Lucky One. 

As I'm sure you can recall my excitement over this film from a recent post, you can imagine my anticipation. 

I should have known what I was in for by the lack of exciting previews that normally precede chick flicks. 

Is it just me, or is there a real lack of great chick flicks lately? First the lackluster I felt for The Vow and now The Lucky One?

I felt the story had little to no plot. Maybe they left things out from the novel but I'm thinking since the film was only 1.5 hours there was pleeenty of wiggle room to add detail. 

Also, I'm all for a predictable plot line but a girl needs a few twists here and there. 

There was hardly any conflict that needed resolution. And if we are going off of conflict on a Nicholas Sparks scale (which we are because it was his book turned movie) the conflict was absolutely nonexistent.

 No conflict. No cancer. No sweet southern accents... Nicholas. Where you at??

I found Beth (Taylor Schilling) to be flat, no pun intended, (homegirl has no lady love up top) and to be honest a little awkward. I did not enjoy her acting, I thought it to be very uninspiring. Despite my love for theater and acting, you know it's bad when you find yourself thinking "I could play this better." Because realistically I dont' think I could but she had me believing I should start sending out my headshot and resume. 

...Maybe I'm being harsh because I had high expectations....

On the other hand, Zac Efron looked amazing. I always enjoy him on camera and I think he's got pretty decent acting skills. I always believe him and wind up forgetting and forgiving him for dating Vanessa Hudgens for so damn long. 

My only complaint is that his shirt only came off once the whole movie. AND it wasn't even during the sex scene... *gasps* 

If I may be honest, which I may because this is my blog, I didn't pay $7.50 to watch Zac Efron do a clothed "love scene"... sorry. 

All in all, Efron was gorgeous, the little boy in the film is absolutely darling, the grandmother provides much needed comic relief, the nature shots were stunning and there were 2 scenes with bulldogs in it. 

Am I glad I saw it? Yes. Would I see it again in theaters? No. Should I have just waited until I could rent it? Probably. Will I rent it when it comes on iTunes? Debatable. 

There's my two cents. Well...$7.50 I suppose. 

Maybe I should have read the book first? I hope if you see it or have seen it that your opinion was higher than mine. I hate seeing films I don't like...but that's what makes the world go 'round I suppose. 

Not at all really but you get the picture...

Still Efron's biggest fan,

1 comment:

  1. Seriously though, what happened to good chik-flicks/rom-coms?
