But for some reason I won't let myself go to bed. I do this all the time and I haven't the slightest clue why.
Am I afraid the world is going to change while I shut my eyes?
Am I afraid a friend is going to invite me to do something really fun? (As if I would go...I'm pooped!)
Is Leonardo DiCaprio going to show up at my doorstep and profess his love for me?
Maybe it's because all day long I'm going, going, going. On the computer, on the phone, in one person's office, down the hall to another person's office, emailing 8 different people all while making lunch plans with Erin... no really that was what I did from 9-5 today. And after Erin and I had lunch (soaking wet thanks to the torrential downpour that fell upon us) we made plans and promises to go to trendy wine bars around Dallas.
I'm an excellent multi-tasker. Really though I am. But I never thought I was going to be one of those people who couldn't turn their brain off
But sometimes I'm afraid that once it's off, it's off.
Much like a stubborn piece of technology, my brain picks and chooses when it wants to work. And then when you take it into the store it always works perfectly and the sales rep looks at you like you're crazy....
How is it almost June already??
Bed time.
I love this and relate to it!!!!