For starters happy March 1st! I love the beginning of new months. It gives me the feeling of a clean slate.
In other news:
Midterms might be the worst time of the year. Other than finals. I am so tired and am using this as the fastest study break ever...
Things I'm ready for:
1. Lisa to get to Auburn tomorrow afternoon
2. To finish all of these papers and assignments that are due next week
3. To be on spring break in the big D with some of my very favorite people on this planet
4. To be able to catch up on my TV shows!
5. Sleeping more than 5 hours without feeling guilty
6. Margaritas and TexMex!!!
I'll keep you updated on the adventures of Lisa and Lauren after this weekend!
....but until then...
Erin, this should get you excited for our adventure to Society Bakery :) |
Sleepily yours,
Oh trust me, I am PUMPED!!! Good luck with all your assignments...we are in the single digit countdown to spring break!!!